“The Art of Retirement”.
Foreward by Ronnie Lott
The definition of retirement means different things to different people…and so can retirement planning. It can focus on finances or lifestyle and can include many variables such as location, activities, and health care. Retirement planning is much different—and more difficult—than planning for other goals in life.
But doing it right is like creating your own masterpiece!
THE ART OF RETIREMENT by Gary S. Williams is an essential guide to understanding retirement planning from a wide range of perspectives. Williams delves into key topics including money (in particular how it relates to happiness), choosing a lifestyle during retirement, and leaving a legacy. He also explores The Art of Investing, explaining a such concepts as risk and diversification, unique investment strategies, and determining when and how to find a financial advisor if one is needed.
Williams uses the story of Michelangelo and his art to facilitate the creation of your masterpiece. What do Michelangelo and his life have to do with a book about retirement planning? As Williams explains, Michelangelo overcame great adversity and relentlessly pursued his dreams. “We all know that Michelangelo was a genius,” Williams writes. “How did Michelangelo move among these fields with such outstanding success,achieving mastery in each one? He was encouraged and recognized, and he was immersed in his love for each of his masterpieces. His inner drive led him to greatness; he let nothing get in his way. These elements are what you need to build your own extraordinary career and life.”
Gary S. Williams, CFP® is a Certified Financial Planner, practitioner, and President and Founder of the award-winning, Maryland-based wealth management firm, Williams Asset Management. Since 1994, Gary has been providing retirement planning and investment advisory services, both to individuals and organizations, throughout the United States and around the world.
“Gary Williams has successfully tackled a daunting task in his book The Art of Retirement. In an easy- to-understand way, he addresses the significant financial issues many of us will face as we go through life into retirement and, equally important, how to enjoy the quality of life that truly counts. It is both as simple as anyone could ask for, and through many cross-references, as sophisticated as anyone could want. This is a terrific resource told in a very reader-friendly, yet powerful, storytelling way!”
—Colin Brown
President and CEO, JM Family Enterprises, Inc.
“Gary Williams has painted a masterpiece with The Art of Retirement—an exceptionally well-written and easy-to-comprehend balance of investment advice, emotional guidance, and life planning. A must-read for understanding the essential issues to focus on in order to ensure a successful and gratifying retirement.”
—Wayne Bloom
CEO, Commonwealth Financial Network
One hundred percent of the profits from the sales of The Art of Retirement will be split among four charities:
The Brigance Brigade Foundation, (Working to equip, empower, and encourage those living with ALS),
Augie’s Quest, (On quest to find a cure for ALS),
Maryland SPCA, http://www.mdspca.org/
Y of Central Maryland
(Helping disadvantaged youth attend summer camps)
Article Posted 11/25/2013