Duvall’s Produce is stocking up to provide you delicious fresh produce for your cookouts, get-togethers, and family time!
Stop in at both locations for delicious sweet corn and regional produce that is coming in from the east coast. Duvall’s has watermelons that will melt in your mouth as you enjoy the cold treat. They carry seedless and seeded (for the popular “How far can you spit the seed?” contest) as well as juicy tomatoes that make any burger taste soooo much better.
As you are picking out these goodies, remember to pick up fresh potatoes for chopping up for your potato salad. Try white and red that are tasting great and there is no peeling!
The best ice cream bowls ever are available. Take one of Duvall’s cantaloupes, cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and scoop in the vanilla ice cream. If you haven’t tried it you should!
This summer local honey is available. Duvall’s found a supplier north of Baltimore and they are carrying several different flavors of honey along with honey combs.
Remember to check out the Washington State cherries, Georgia peaches, green tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, and squash for grilling.
For customers at the Jessup location, look for the refreshed snowball flavors for the season. Stop in and have Frank, Bob or Eric make you a special cool summer treat.
Duvall’s Produce is conveniently located in Jessup, Maryland at 2846 Jessup Road (MD Route 175).