This week in our Health Section, we are running an article regarding oral cancer. That is something that I would guess most of us do not think about on a regular basis. As for me, I can safely say that I have NEVER thought about oral cancer, nor have I ever heard any mention of it on one of those late night drug commercials or twilight public service announcements on television.
I have heard plenty of advertisements regarding HPV and about the great vaccinations that help prevent HPV in children.
As it turns out, one of the cancers that HPV can cause later in life is oral cancer. Apparently, dentists can detect this type of cancer in the early stages of the disease, thus hopefully preventing prolonged suffering or death.
This sounds so very ominous and dark. Well, it really is something most of us would want to avoid. But let’s get back to one of the root causes.
Because of HPV, oral cancer is on the rise to the tune of 50,000 diagnosed Americans annually. But here’s the thing. When I see those late night HPV ads, the portrayal seems so very sanitized. The target demographic is in regard to pre-teens and teens.
Holy cow, Batman! HPV is a sexually transmitted disease! Oh wait, we live in a world of polite speak, assumptions and kindness that goes way beyond what is considered politically correct. Our children are having … oh my gosh … sex — and apparently that great invention called the condom is being pushed aside in favor of pure pleasure.
I know that many of my readers would rather discuss some other topic, like global warming, Black Lives Matter, or the most recent Trump tweet, but at the Guilford Gazette we like to chat about what’s happening in our own back yard.
The reader can take this discussion as a moral issue, a community standards issue, or a health issue. However it’s sized up, it is an important and critical issue for our youth and their future families. This HPV thing seems like a little infection or little blip on the radar screen at first glance, but it is quite insidious because it lurks in the background for years and then BAM!
Moms and dads, and uncles and aunts, grandparents, and older siblings, or really, just anyone responsible and wise enough should broach such topics with our children. We’re not simply talking the birds and bees type of discussion, but also about priorities, risks, family values, love versus a quick fix, and much, much more.
But really, at the heart of this is being the type of adult who is accessible and understanding. Kids really don’t want to approach adults who rule with hammers. When kids do stupid things, they know whom to approach. The question is, am I that person? Are you that person?