Dear Mr. Kittleman,
On June 20th, the Milk Producers shared their plans for the development of Parcel C and D of their property in North Laurel, which includes 397 housing units and contains a single egress just 700 feet from the busy intersection of Gorman and Leishear Roads. The citizens of this community are deeply concerned that the impact of this development will include decreased safety for pedestrians and drivers navigating residential county roads, increased congestion and pollution from significantly higher traffic volumes, lack of pedestrian connectivity, overcrowding of local schools already at capacity and increased storm water runoff into local streams already prone to flooding in low lying areas. As our County Executive, you have been elected to oversee county development and work to organize, coordinate, plan and implement long-term solutions that benefit the entire county and provide connections between the various developments to create more livable, cohesive, and sustainable communities.
We feel strongly that more thoughtful road and pedestrian connections and a reduction in housing density will better integrate the development into the existing community, increase safety, reduce the strain on local schools and be more congruent with Howard County initiatives such as WalkHoward.
As a group of concerned citizens directly impacted by this potential development, we have circulated a petition with specific suggestions in response to the initial plans put forth by the Milk Producers. Now, we request an in person meeting with you to discuss our concerns and work collaboratively on solutions that will ensure the safety of our neighborhoods and build a more livable and cohesive community.
The following community members
Editor’s Note: The ad hoc group from the North Laurel and Fulton areas said that 350 residents signed the letter and sent it to County Executive Alan Kittleman.
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