Stonington, Conn. —The Coast Guard Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to the education and welfare of all Coast Guard members and their families, announced today that it has awarded a record-breaking 177 new scholarships in 2018. Combined with two Fallen Heroes Scholars and three multi-year award recipients, the Foundation will assist 182 students with $500,000 in support this year.
In the 28 years of this program, the Coast Guard Foundation has paid out more than $5.1million to more than 960 college-aged young adults to help the families of Coast Guard members achieve their goals of higher education.
Award recipient Bradley Patrick, son of MKMC Harold Patrick, from Annapolis, Maryland, will attend the University of Maryland in the fall.
The Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships benefit the children of enlisted men and women who are serving or have served in the United States Coast Guard, whether active duty, reserve, retired or deceased.
“The children of the brave men and women of the Coast Guard have shown dedication to their studies and communities. The high standards they’ve set for themselves are evident in the work they’ve done,” said Susan Ludwig, president, Coast Guard Foundation. “We consider these scholarships not only an investment in the personal ambitions of the next generation, but also in the future of our country.”
To learn more about the Coast Guard Foundation, or to help support its work, please visit www.coastguardfoundation.org or call (860) 535-0786.
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