HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, Friday, September 28, 2018
Commercial burglary
Columbia, 21045: Howard Pharmacy, 8900 block of Columbia 100 Parkway, Sept. 26 8:49 p.m.
Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the business by using a key and stole cash.
Ellicott City, 21043: Cafe EZ, 3200 block of North Ridge Road, Sept. 26-27
Unknown suspect(s) attempted to gain entry to the business by prying open the door. No entry was gained.
Columbia, 21045: Columbia Palace Wine & Spirits, 8700 block of Centre Park Drive, Sept. 27 1:09 a.m.
Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the business by forcing open a door. It is unclear if anything was stolen.
Ellicott City, 21043: Coal Fire Pizza, 5700 block of Richards Valley Road, Sept. 27 1:38 a.m.
Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the business by forcing open a door and stole cash.
Columbia, 21045: Party City, 6100 block of Old Dobbin Lane, Sept. 27 1:44 a.m.
Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the business by forcing open a door. It is unclear if anything was stolen.
Fulton, 20759: Fulton Station Jewelry & Gifts, Sept. 27 2:47 a.m.
Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the business by breaking the front door. Nothing was reported stolen.
Theft from vehicle/vehicle break-in
Columbia, 21045: 9000 block of Watchlight Court, Sept. 26-27 overnight, wallet
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