The Attendance Area Committee (AAC) began its work Tuesday, June 18 to review options presented in the 2019 Feasibility Study and make recommendations to the Superintendent. The AAC’s recommendations will help inform Dr. Martirano’s proposal to the Board of Education, scheduled to be presented during the August 20 Board meeting.
Led by Scott Leopold from Cooperative Strategies, LLC, the meeting began with group introductions, followed by an explanation of the role of the committee and legal obligations under the Open Meetings Act, and a review of HCPSS Policy 6010 – School Attendance Areas. The committee then became familiar with the options described in the Feasibility Study. Draft meeting minutes and upcoming meeting agendas can be found online.
Per Board of Education Policy 6010, the Superintendent appointed to the AAC individuals who represent every planning region in the county and have previously served HCPSS in advisory roles, as a member of an advisory committee or partner community organization. Group members include a former HCPSS administrator and a current student. Two individuals were tapped from one of the last three AACs to provide historical perspective.
AAC meetings will not be streamed online but are open to any member of the public who wishes to observe. AAC meetings will be held at Atholton High School at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, Tuesday, July 2 and Tuesday, July 9.
Community Input Sessions
Four community input sessions have been scheduled for community members to receive information related to the boundary review process and provide their input for the Superintendent’s consideration prior to his August 20 recommendation to the Board.
Families are encouraged to attend the session associated with the region in which they live based on School Locator. Those who cannot attend their region’s session should attend the county-wide session at Long Reach High School on Saturday, July 13 or may attend one of the other regional sessions. While RSVP is not required, it is highly encouraged. Online RSVP Form
- Wednesday, July 10, 7–9 p.m. at Oakland Mills High School
- Families currently zoned for Centennial HS, Howard HS, Mt. Hebron HS, Oakland Mills HS
- Saturday, July 13, 9–11 a.m. at Long Reach High School
- Available to any family that is unable to attend their regional meeting.
- Tuesday, July 16, 7–9 p.m. at Atholton High School
- Families currently zoned for Atholton HS, Hammond HS, Long Reach HS, Wilde Lake HS
- Thursday, July 18, 7–9 p.m. at River Hill High School
- Families currently zoned for Glenelg HS, Marriotts Ridge HS, Reservoir HS, River Hill HS
Online Input Forms Now Open
Members of the community may provide online feedback on the 2019 Feasibility Study to help inform the Superintendent’s recommendations to the Board of Education or submit alternate boundary options to be considered as part of the boundary review process.
These online input options will remain available until August 1. Following the Superintendent’s presentation to the Board on August 20, the Board will provide additional input and feedback options.
More information on the Boundary Review process can be found at the HCPSS website.