The Attendance Area Committee (AAC) continued their work Tuesday, June 25 to review options presented in the 2019 Feasibility Study and make recommendations to the Superintendent.
Led by Scott Leopold from Cooperative Strategies, LLC, the meeting began with the approval of the June 18 meeting minutes. Committee members then reviewed the committee roles and responsibilities, objectives, scope of the review, timeline, policy implications and resources available for their use.
Three key concepts affecting the boundary review process were introduced to the committee: “island” versus “domino” moves; the frequency and breadth effects of boundary changes; and the considerations for rezoning versus using relocatables. The committee discussed both the challenges and advantages inherent to each of these concepts before concluding the meeting.
The remaining two AAC meetings will be held at Atholton High School at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2 and Tuesday, July 9. AAC meetings will not be streamed online but are open to any member of the public who wishes to observe. Draft meeting minutes and upcoming meeting agendas can be found online.
Boundary Review Online Resources
The HCPSS Boundary Review page is updated daily with information and resources related to the boundary review process. Please visit the site to find community input opportunities, resources that provide an understanding of the process, and information and documents associated with the work of the AAC.