ELKRIDGE, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball recently highlighted several key investments in his Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Capital Budget directed towards carrying his administration’s long-term Elkridge Civic District projects forward.
“The most recent 2020 Census data reveals that our Elkridge community is home to Howard County’s third highest population,” said Ball. “With this knowledge, my team remains committed to addressing the concerns our Elkridge neighbors have raised throughout the years regarding the need for more Elkridge-based publicly available facilities, amenities, and infrastructure.”
In his 2023 State of the County address, Ball outlined a bold strategic vision for the Elkridge Civic District, which includes significant investments in transportation improvements, community amenities, site acquisition for High School #14, an Elkridge Community Center and more. To push these projects forward, Ball today elaborated on his FY25 budget proposal for Elkridge, which includes;
- $15 million in County PAYGO funds for land acquisition, planning and design for High School #14 in Elkridge
- $11.5 million for a new Elkridge Community Center
- $4 million for the planning, design, and expansion of the Elkridge Branch Library
- $100,000 to the Elkridge Heritage Society for the preservation and restoration of the Brumbaugh House
- Installation of Wi-Fi and six new pickleball courts at Rockburn Branch Park
- Upgrade of traffic control signs and pavement markings between Old Washington Road and the railroad tracks.
“It is ‘go-time’ Elkridge! This community deserves this! It’s been a long time coming and now we’re here. Thank you, Dr. Ball and the generations of advocates who are making this, happen,” said Liz Walsh, Vice Chairperson, Howard County Council.
“As a father of three with two grade school children, I am thrilled for the County Executive’s long-term investment commitment in the Elkridge corridor. The Elkridge Civic District Investment Plan provides $11.5 million for a new Elkridge Community Center, $2.5 million for an indoor track at Troy Park, and $15 million for a land acquisition for High School 14. In addition, I am excited about the $4 million for renovations for the Elkridge Library and $320,000 for the planning and design of a new Southwest Branch. Elevating our communities is vital to the growth of our county,” said Dr. Opel Jones, Councilmember, Howard County Council. “These future investments are life changing for residents and are necessary for the advancement for all!”
“The Elkridge Civic District brings new opportunities for community connections, placemaking, environmental protection, and revitalization. I am thankful and appreciative of County Executive Ball’s commitments to Elkridge in this year’s capital budget, with investments in a community center, library expansion, and new high school,” said Christiana Rigby, Councilmember, Howard County Council
While the County continues to progress forward on these priority projects, Ball has also focused his attention on enhancing facilities already serving Elkridge’s community.
Ranked one of the best library systems in the United States, Howard County Library System (HCLS) branches are vital public spaces that serve a critical role in supporting Howard County’s youngest learners, young adults and adults of all ages. Home to HCLS’s only DIY Education Center, which features a borrowing collection of tools and classes for visitors of all ages in baking, biking, camping, crafts, gardening, home improvement and more, the Elkridge branch welcomes more than 187,000 visitors a year.
To ensure HCLS is able to continue meeting the needs of the county’s growing Elkridge community, Ball has included $4 million in his proposed FY25 Capital Budget for the planning, design and renovation of the Elkridge branch. This funding will enable the library to expand programmatic efforts and community space. In addition, Ball’s proposed budget also includes $300,000 for the planning and design of a new HCLS branch in Howard County’s southwest region. This new Southwest branch will feature a versatile and state-of-the art facility that is welcoming, fosters learning and is a community space for social interaction.
“I thank County Executive Ball, County Council Members, and everyone who advocated for this investment. The expansion of the Elkridge Branch makes the Elkridge community more livable,” noted Tonya Aikens, Howard County Library System President & CEO. “Libraries are for everyone. They are cornerstones of community, where people are the architects of their own journey. Before our youngest residents are enrolled in preschool, Head Start or kindergarten, their public education begins in our libraries. Libraries are the educational foundation where children learn and grow, teens discover and create, adults continue old pursuits and discover new ones. Libraries are true community squares where people meet for the first time, connect with those they know, and build a stronger and more connected community. This expansion fills an urgent need for space for teens to gather and collaborate, children to learn through interactive play, and our team to deliver more developmentally enriching experiences for all ages.”
In addition to investments in Elkridge’s educational needs, Ball’s proposed FY25 Capital Budget also includes funding for recreational improvements.
Currently home to nine miles of pathways and trails, ballfields, multipurpose fields, basketball and tennis courts, a playground, 18-hole disc golf course and Bike Skills Park, Ball has included funding in his proposed FY25 Capital Budget for the installation for six designated pickleball courts at the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks’ Rockburn Branch Park in Elkridge. Additionally, Rockburn Branch Park visitors will soon also have access to free public Wi-Fi, as Ball announced the expansion of Wi-Fi to the park through his Transform Howard digital equity initiative.
In continuing the push to position Troy Park at Elkridge as a world class sports complex in the region, having already hosted an array of national lacrosse, field hockey and soccer tournaments, as well as 2024 Major League Quadball Championship, Ball has included $2.5 million in his proposed budget to move forward with the construction of an indoor track at the park.
“The Elkridge Community Alliance is thankful to the Howard County Administration for the inclusion of Elkridge initiatives that would support our rapidly growing population. We are hopeful that this is the first step towards capital infrastructure equity for our community,” said Laura Wisely, Elkridge Community Alliance.
In addition to looking forward to Elkridge’s future, Ball today also embraced honoring Elkridge’s cherished past. Constructed around 1870, Brumbaugh House has served Elkridge not only as a beacon of its rich history, but as a vibrant center of community life and medical history, thanks to the remarkable tenure of Dr. Benjamin Bruce Brumbaugh. Cared for by the Elkridge Heritage Society (EHS), Ball today presented the society with an additional $100,000 in funding, building upon the County’s initial $20,000 investment, to restore the Brumbaugh House to all its glory. This funding will assist EHS in upgrading Brumbaugh House’s HVAC and interior and with replacing the carriage house roof.
“As we invest in the bricks and mortar of the Brumbaugh House, we are also investing in the spirit of Elkridge – a community that cherishes its past while boldly embracing its future,” added Ball.
Finally, Ball announced that Howard County Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin addressing safety concerns along Hanover Road this month. DPW will upgrade traffic control signs and pavement markings between Old Washington Road and the railroad tracks. Improvements will also include but not limited to wider edge line pavement markings, refreshing the existing double yellow pavement markings, installation of larger speed limit signs. This work is expected to be complete by end of this month.
“We know that speeding along Hanover Road is a significant concern. I share that concern for the safety of our Elkridge residents and visitors to our incredible, historic town,” concluded Ball. “DPW will also revise and update their Traffic Calming Policy to address safety and speeding concerns along all County roadways in Elkridge and beyond.”