ANNAPOLIS, MD – Following the withdrawal of a candidate in the Baltimore City mayoral primary, the Maryland State Board of Elections issues this statement on how mail-in ballots cast for the candidate prior to his withdrawal will be counted during the primary election.
Under Maryland law, a voter may only cast one ballot. Once a voter fills in a mail-in ballot, seals it in an envelope, signs the envelope, and returns it by mailing it, delivering it in person to a local board, or putting it in a ballot drop box, then the ballot is cast. Once the ballot is cast, regardless of whether the candidate remains in the race or withdraws, the voter may not request another ballot to replace the cast ballot or vote in person during early voting or election day to replace the cast ballot.
A candidate announcing a withdrawal from a race does not invalidate or affect any of the votes recorded on a cast ballot and all votes will be recorded and tabulated as they were voted.
A voter may not request a second ballot after completing and returning a mail-in ballot. If a request for a second ballot is made, the request will be denied. If a voter votes a provisional ballot during early voting or election day after already submitting a voted mail-in ballot, the provisional ballot will not be counted.
If a voter has marked a mail-in ballot but has not mailed it or if they have misplaced their mail-in ballot, they may request a new mail-in ballot online. The deadline for us to receive your request for a ballot using our online system is May 10, 2024 for the Presidential Primary Election. If this deadline has passed and you would like to vote a mail-in ballot, please go to your local board of elections. You can pick up your ballot there and either vote and return it then or take your ballot with you and return it by mail or at a ballot drop box.
The Maryland State Board of Elections, as the trusted source of electoral information, is committed to providing the electorate correct guidance or clear understanding of the electoral laws.