ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. As there will be no Thursday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap collection on the 4th, the County’s holiday “slide” schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week.
While county parks and the Roger Carter Community Center (note, the center closes early at 5:00 p.m.) will be open on July 4th, the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks’ Cedar Lane and Schooley Mill Activity Rooms, Gary J. Arthur and North Laurel Community Centers, Kiwanis-Wallas Hall, Harriet Tubman Cultural Center, Robinson Nature Center and county historic sites will be closed. Additionally, the Meadowbrook Athletic Complex will be open for planned programs only.
“As we gather this holiday with our family, friends and neighbors to celebrate America’s birthday and all that our great nation stands for – liberty, freedom and fairness, let us unite as a community as we remember the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought for our independence so we can each strive to achieve our American dream,” said Howard County Executive Calvin Ball. “This July 4th, I encourage everyone to celebrate safely and to leave the big firework displays to the professionals by joining us this Thursday at Downtown Columbia Lakefront for our annual July 4th Fireworks celebration.”
On Friday, July 5th, County Government offices, animal shelter and 50+ centers will be closed. As there was no Thursday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scraps collection on the 4th, the County’s holiday “slide” schedule is in effect for the remainder of the week with Thursday collection taking place on Friday and Friday on Saturday. Courts and the County’s Alpha Ridge Landfill will be open on the 5th.
While county parks, Gary J. Arthur, North Laurel and Roger Carter Community Centers, the Robinson Nature Center, Harriet Tubman Cultural Center, Meadowbrook Athletic Complex, and the Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum will be open on July 5th, the Kiwanis-Wallas Hall, Belmont Manor and Historic Park, Ellicott City Colored School Restored, Firehouse Museum, Patapsco Female Institute and county historic sites will be closed.
The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) will operate on a “Sunday” schedule on the 4th and on a regular schedule on the 5th. For more information on RTA, call 1-800-270-9553 or visit www.transitrta.com. All parking regulations and fees will not be enforced on the 4th and 5th.
The 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1; for non-emergencies, please call 410-313-2200.
County operations will resume on Monday, July 8th, at regular business hours.
Closed on Thursday, July 4th
County Government Offices
Animal Shelter
50+ Centers
Alpha Ridge Landfill
No Thursday curbside collection; holiday slide in effect for the remainder of the week
Cedar Lane and Schooley Mill Activity Rooms
Gary J. Arthur and North Laurel Community Centers
Kiwanis-Wallas Hall
Harriet Tubman Cultural Center
Robinson Nature Center
County historic sites
Parking regulations and fees will not be enforced
Open Thursday, July 4th
County parks
Roger Community Carter (to close at 5:00 p.m.)
Meadowbrook Athletic Complex (open for scheduled programs only)
RTA “Sunday” Schedule
Closed Friday, July 5th
County Government Offices
Animal Shelter
50+ Centers
Kiwanis-Wallas Hall
Belmont Manor and Historic Park
Ellicott City Colored School Restored
Firehouse Museum
Patapsco Female Institute
County historic sites
Parking regulations and fees will not be enforced
Open Friday, July 5th
Curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection services (holiday slide schedule in effect)
Alpha Ridge Landfill
County parks
Gary J. Arthur, North Laurel and Roger Carter Community Centers
Robinson Nature Center
Harriet Tubman Cultural Center
Meadowbrook Athletic Complex
Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum
RTA regular schedule