
HCPD Release Photo of Mall Shooting Suspect

HCPD released this photo of the person they have identified as the shooter in the July 27, 2024 shooting death of Angelo Little, 17 of Columbia, Maryland. (Photo provided by HCPD)

Howard County police are releasing images today showing the suspected shooter from The Mall in Columbia on July 27. Detectives have been reviewing hundreds of hours of footage from the mall’s expansive camera system. Through this review, police have located images that may aid in identification.

The shooter in this incident is wearing a dark mask over his face and a hooded sweatshirt over his head, so initial images showed no distinguishing features. But additional review of the extensive surveillance system revealed some video that may be useful.

Through the video review, police believe the shooting was specifically targeted at the victim, Angelo Little. The shooter is seen at a table in the food court with his head down until Little walks toward the bathroom hallway. The shooter gets up from the table and follows Little. He waits for Little to exit the bathroom then fires one fatal shot from behind and runs through a back door.

Little was pronounced dead at the scene. Responding officers discovered a gun on his person. Investigators determined that Little was also the victim in a shooting in April 2023 in which he was injured.

The shooter is described by witnesses as a young Black male in his teens or 20s, small stature, all dark clothing and hooded sweatshirt, face partially covered with a dark mask.

Police are asking anyone who lives around the area of the mall to check their doorbell camera footage from July 27 to determine if there are images that could assist in the investigation. The shooting occurred around 6:10 p.m.

Police are offering an increased reward of up to $7,500. Anyone with information should contact police at 410-313-STOP or and may remain anonymous.




Shooting at The Mall in Columbia; One Person Dead

HCPD Arrest Baltimore Man in Non-Fatal Shooting Incident

HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, July 31, 2024




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