This team has moved from continuous losing streaks to a formidable force
The Savage Lady Eagles, the fastpitch softball team hailing from Howard County Maryland, has been dominating the field all throughout the fall 2024 season. The team consists of high school players ranging from 15-18 years old from Savage, Laurel, and Columbia. The team’s volunteer coaching staff is led by Howard County native Lisa Butterfield, who attended Hammond High School, and grew up playing a variety of sports including softball.
The Savage Lady Eagles were formed in the summer of 2022 through the Savage Boys and Girls Club and play year-round. While they have been winning a lot this fall season they faced challenges in their earlier seasons. They experienced constant losses, and ranked last in the league, but their grit and determination has resulted in a strong and successful fall 2024 season. “These girls have really come into their own. They put in the work, they care, and they’re constantly trying. They always have a good attitude.” Coach Butterfield said.
No Longer Losing
Butterfield said that the key factors that have transformed the team from a weaker season to a significantly stronger one are their strong focus on the little details and the strong bond that they share with each other. Butterfield said that during their last season after a tough loss the team would pay attention to how they played and what they felt went wrong. Butterfield said that they would analyze each game and think about what they need to do next. She said the girls would ask themselves,“Oh where did this go wrong? Where did we make mistakes? What do we need to improve on?”
Butterfield also said that having good sportsmanship and a strong bond with each other also led to the team’s successful season. “We have gone against other teams, win or lose, and the other teams are at each other’s throats if something goes wrong. Our team is always very encouraging of each other so, it’s that good team bond and just learning how to play with each other as well as learning the sport itself has been a major thing for them over this last year and a half.” Butterfield said.
Strong Bonds and Comaraderie
Nathan Krause, whose daughter, Jill, a 10th grader, joined the team in the fall of 2023, said the girls have been very welcoming towards her and made her transition to a new high school go a lot smoother and easier. “This team has been the glue that has kept Jill going.” Krause said.
Butterfield and Krause also said that the long hours that the team has put in towards improving themselves has also contributed to their success. Krause said that Jill always strives to get to her practices and games early so that she can dedicate more time to the sport. “She’s getting to practice 40 minutes before it starts, she’s begging us to leave early.” Krause said.
Krause also said that while the team practices at least six hours a week together, every player engages in some form of baseball activity every day. “They practice hitting and swinging. They do some form of practice everyday.” Krause said.
Mentally and Physically Strong
Butterfield also said that the team has a strong mentality that has helped them become great athletes. “Some days we only play two games, some days we play three. A couple times we played four games in a day. It takes everything to a whole new level when you’re trying to stay mentally tough as well as physically tough for a whole entire day. Some days it’s 100 degrees out in the summer and we are playing four games back to back. The mental toughness has come along with it.” Butterfield said.
Strong Relationships with Coaches
Krause said that another factor that has contributed to the team’s success is the girls’ relationship with the coaches. Butterfield along with the other coaches have become trusted adults for the girls. “They are all mentors and the girls talk to them about things beyond just softball.” Krause said.
The Savage Lady Eagles, including players and coaches posing on field, holding a banner. All members are dressed in burgundy uniforms (Photo provided by Savage Lady Eagles)
Butterfield said that she still remembers a lot of the coaches that she had as a teenager and carries the wisdom they gave her to this day. All of these coaches have shaped her into the coach that she is today, and she describes her coaching style as a mix of being tough while still being as supportive as possible.
Butterfield said, “ I really care about these girls. I hope that I have given them insight and encouragement so that they can continue on with the sport or take what they learned in other directions in life as well.”
The team’s recent wins include the, “Ace of Diamond,” tournament in August 2024, the, “Fall Brawl,” tournament in September 2024, and the, “Appalachian Mountain Fall Rumble,” tournament in October of 2024.
To learn more about the Savage ladies and how you can support them you may visit their official website at https.www.savagebgc.org.
This article was written by freelance writer Michelle Calderon.