Web Advertising


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To provide your business with an advertising campaign that performs well, making your brand recognizable in Howard County, Maryland.

To provide your business with cost-effective advertising rates that are in line with your budget no matter the size of your business.


$125.00 / 10,000 unique impressions

First time advertiser? Use PROMO CODE: FIRSTTIME to get 50% off. This deal is limited to 30,000 unique impressions.


$875 per week for 300×600 size space


$60.00 to create digital advertisements


Looking to advertise to Howard County residents and businesses using a social media platform? Expect to pay $350.00 for 10,000 impressions. Our rates are much lower as indicated above.

Register your organization as an advertiser and take control today. You can create and place your own ad day or night. If you need help, just use the chat box to ask a question of a live attendant, or you can leave a note when no one is available. We’ll get back to you.



Like our reporting, we endeavor to provide transparency regarding website visits. See the chart below for the seven-day analytics, published on 4/12/2024.

CONNECT: Use the form below to connect with us and get information about advertising.


The turquoise (blue) boxes below represent all of the ad sizes available for self-service.

728 x 90
Ad position on page: Always centered at the top of the page Rotating Ads

300 x 250
Ad position on the page:
Left on all pages
Rotating Ads

Ad position on page: Inside articles
Responsive Ad – Fits screen size of any device

300 x 600
Ad position on the page:
Left on Primary Page
Right on Article Page
Partially above the fold
Premium Dedicated Space


Placing an Advertisement on the website (if you have registered as an advertiser on Ad Manager)

1. Go to your dashboard where you order ad space and manage your ad inventory.

2. Log-In using your credentials. You were sent an email from welcome@adspeed.com with the subject line: “Welcome to Guilford Gazette Ad Manager.” Your username and password are there. Otherwise just create new credentials using the “Forgot Password” feature.

3. Go to the navigation bar and choose “Ads” and then “Create a New Ad”

4. Choose Option: “Order from Media Kit”

5. Scroll to bottom and use the “Search” feature and put in 300×250 (or whatever size ad you have chosen)

6. Choose the ZONE where you want to advertise.

7. Click the orange button labeled “Place an ad in this zone”

8. Use the drop down menu to choose one of the available options for placing your ad.

a. Rich Media Ad (HTML Code)

b. Image Banner (GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP)

c. Video Ad  (VAST Compliant Pre/Mid/Post-Roll Ad)

d. Upload Ad File

9. Give your ad a name

Using Rich Media Ad (HTML Code)

A.  Place the ad code in the HTML CODE box. The code is at the bottom of these instructions between the two lines. Do not copy the lines.

B.  For width and height put in the dimensions from step 5.

Using Image Banner (GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP)

A. In this case, you are hosting your ad, place the host URL in the space labeled “Image / Media URL”

B. Under “Destination / Landing URL” place the URL of the web page to which you want visitors redirected.

C. If you are not using a website to market your product or service, then check the “Disable destination” box.

Using Video Ad  (VAST Compliant Pre/Mid/Post-Roll Ad)

A. Not all ad spaces allow video. This option is also self-hosted

B. You will need to provide the host URL, check the “Skippable” box and designate 15 seconds. Any ad that is not meet these parameters will be removed.

C. Ads longer than 30 seconds are not permitted

D. Ads must run in silent mode with the option for sound

E. Use the “Destination / Landing URL” section to place the URL of the web page you are promoting

Using Upload Ad File

A. Simply click the browse button to add your ad to the Guilford Gazette host.

B. Under “Destination / Landing URL” place the URL of the web page to which you want visitors redirected.

C. If you are not using a website to market your product or service, then check the “Disable destination” box.

10. Advanced Settings: You can usually skip this, but if you want to have a specified start and end date, or create notes, specify how often to run your ad, or determine how to open your destination URL, then use Advanced Settings.

11. Click “Save”

12.  Click “Continue”

11.  Go to Tab #2 – “Apply Ad Targeting” if you want to configure ad targeting. You can also do this later. If you choose to complete ad targeting, be sure to click continue after you complete the operation.

13.  Go to Tab #3 – “Set Permission” to indicate that the publisher can view the ad. Make sure that View This Ad is set to “Allow.” If you want additional help from the publisher be sure to click “Allow” for “Edit this Ad.”

14. Click the “Link” button before proceeding to other steps.

15 Click “Continue.”

16.  Scroll down to see your ad

17. Click on the circle button next to 300×250 (or whatever ad size you have chosen)

18. Under “I would like to buy” enter “10” or some other number, depending on the number of impressions you choose to buy. 10 means 10,000.

19. Click “OPTIONAL”

20. Enter Coupon Code if you are buying under a Promotion

21. Review Order

22. Place Order

Email us: ads@guilfordgazette.com