
Becoming a Leader in Your Community

Becoming a Leader in Your Community

One way to ensure the success of your business is to become recognizable as an expert in your community. It might seem surprising, but fame doesn’t happen by accident most of the time. Even though […]

Excellence is Never an Accident

Excellence is Never an Accident

“Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.” The above anonymous quote was displayed prominently in […]

Ten People Who Turned The Impossible Into Possible

Ten People Who Turned The Impossible Into Possible

If you feel hopeless while achieving your goal and you need some motivation, read this. These are the people who don’t need to introduce themselves anymore because of their achievements in their lifetime. These people […]

Will Artificial Intelligence Save Us?

Will Artificial Intelligence Save Us?

With breach attempts and cyber attacks increasing, many companies say artificial intelligence (AI) is a necessity in identifying and thwarting threats, and they are devoting bigger pieces of the budget for AI’s role in cybersecurity. […]

Strategize When Shopping for Labor Day Specials

Strategize When Shopping for Labor Day Specials

Do you wear white after Labor Day? Well, 59 percent of Americans do. According to a recent survey conducted by, a cross-section of 3,120 adults, aged 18 and over were polled and found that […]

Make the Social Security Office Less Stressful

Make the Social Security Office Less Stressful

Morning Toni: I found that even when all the i’s; are dotted and the t’s are crossed and the paperwork is filled out correctly that Social Security can still royally screw up. I personally filled […]